Global Day of Coderetreat 2019

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We invite you to the Global Day of Coderetreat 2019 in Cluj-Napoca, organised for the 8th consecutive year! This year, the global event will take place on November 16th, 2019.

Coderetreat is a day-long, intensive practice event, focusing on the fundamentals of software development and design. By providing developers the opportunity to take part in focused practice, away from the pressures of ‘getting things done’, the coderetreat format has proven itself to be a highly effective means of skill improvement. Practicing the basic principles of modular and object-oriented design, developers can improve their ability to write code that minimizes the cost of change over time.

Global Day of Coderetreat is a world-wide event celebrating passion and software craftsmanship. Last year, many passionate software developers from Cluj-Napoca joined developers in cities around the world in spending the day practicing the craft of software development using the coderetreat format.

Find more about this event! Reserve your seat, here!

This event is free thanks to our sponsors:
Comply AdvantageWirtekNetMatchEvozonItiviti
You can support the passionate developers who spend a Saturday to sharpen their fundamental programming skills by becoming a sponsor of this event. Write us!


Global Day of Coderetreat 2017

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We invite you to the Global Day of Coderetreat 2017 in Cluj-Napoca, organised for the sixth consecutive year in Cluj-Napoca! This year, the global event will take place on November 18th, 2017.

Coderetreat is a day-long, intensive practice event, focusing on the fundamentals of software development and design. By providing developers the opportunity to take part in focused practice, away from the pressures of ‘getting things done’, the coderetreat format has proven itself to be a highly effective means of skill improvement. Practicing the basic principles of modular and object-oriented design, developers can improve their ability to write code that minimises the cost of change over time.

Global Day of Coderetreat is a world-wide event celebrating passion and software craftsmanship. Last year, many passionate software developers from Cluj-Napoca joined developers in cities around the world in spending the day practicing the craft of software development using the coderetreat format.

Find more about this event! Reserve your seat, here!

This event is free thanks to our sponsors.



Guest Session – A Data Science evening with Ian Ozsvald & Chris Brown

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May 11th, you are invited to a new RABS Guest Session!

Relevant for anyone interested in data science, machine learning algorithms and their usage in different industries.


NHS ventilator

Mechanical ventilators are widely used in intensive care. Even two decades ago they were primarily mechanical devices whose “only” task was to inflate the patient’s lung. Recently, however, they have become equipped with powerful computers that provide sophisticated ventilator modes. Data provided by the ventilators are almost never downloaded, stored or analysed. The data is complex, high frequency and requires time-intensive scrutiny to review. Doctors do not have time to analyse these traces in a neonatal unit.

We are providing a simple and easy-to-interpret summary of 100Hz dual-channel ventilator data to improve the quality of care of young infants by time-poor staff. This involves signal processing, visualisation, building a gold standard and machine learning to segment breaths and summarise a baby’s behaviour.

Anyone interested in time series data, automated labelling, scikit-learn, Bokeh and medical applications will find this talk of interest. Both the highs and lows of our current approaches will be discussed.

Flight Data Anomaly Detection

Flight Data analysis platforms provide aircraft operators with valuable safety insight that is easy to use while delivering detailed reporting, statistics and visualization directly to the safety departments of the operators.

Maintenance and safety events can be identified and addressed without delay, minimizing risk and Aircraft on Ground (AOG) time while ensuring operators meet aviation regulatory requirements.

We will present the predictive anomaly detection service, part of a larger flight data analysis platform.

Ian Ozsvald is a Data Scientist and Artificial Intelligence researcher, author of O’Reilly’s High Performance Python. His skills and interests include machine learning, natural language processing, and recommendation systems in Python.
Chris Brown is doing Requirements capture and Solutions Architecture for data platforms. His current research areas are: big data architectures on cloud provisioned environments and agile approaches to data science problems.

Time & date:May 11th 2017; 17:30-20:30

Place: Urania Palace, Horea street, no. 4

Details and registration

May 2016 Conferences

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We’ve shared in the past some of the most important IT conferences. As it happens, May seems to grow the busiest month of the year in terms of conferences. If your conference is not on the list and you’d like for it to be, let us know.

We will simply list them chronologically and give you the chance to visit their agendas and decide which ones to attend:

May 7th, Cluj: CodeCamp Cluj
CodeCamp Cluj

May 11th, Cluj: DevTalks Cluj
DevTalks Cluj

May 19-20th, Cluj: RTC2016 | Mastering Testing

May 19-20th, Bucharest: I T.A.K.E. Unconference
I T.A.K.E. Unconference

May 21-24th, Cluj: Techsylvania

May 26-27th, Cluj: IT Camp
IT Camp

Attend. Enjoy!

Global Day of Coderetreat 2015

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We invite you to the Global Day of Coderetreat 2015 in Cluj-Napoca!

Coderetreat is a day-long, intensive practice event, focusing on the fundamentals of software development and design. By providing developers the opportunity to take part in focused practice, away from the pressures of ‘getting things done’, the coderetreat format has proven itself to be a highly effective means of skill improvement. Practicing the basic principles of modular and object-oriented design, developers can improve their ability to write code that minimises the cost of change over time. You can learn more about code retreats here.

Global Day of Coderetreat is a world-wide event celebrating passion and software craftsmanship. Last year, many passionate software developers from Cluj-Napoca joined the 2000 developers in 150 cities around the world in spending the day practicing the craft of software development using the coderetreat format.

Find more about this event! Reserve your seat, here!

This event is free thanks to our sponsors.

Expert Session – Risk Management with Peter Leeson

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We’re thrilled to have Peter Leeson at RABS again with a workshop on Risk Management.

On May 25th, we invite you to a workshop on: “Risk Management”. Both RABS & IASA Romania as co-organisers would be happy to see you there.

Title: Risk Management

Abstract: This workshop will briefly introduce to some of the key principles of risk management: how much time and money are you willing to invest on a problem which might never happen?

The workshop is a practical approach to identifying risks, assigning them a value based on their probability and the cost of the issue, should the risk turn into a problem and how to decide what is the best approach to reduce the impact of the risk.

The workshop is interactive, and you will be encouraged to apply the principles to your real risks, those that impact your work, your project, your company. You will be assisted in identifying practical approaches to mitigating the risks as well as deciding whether contingency management would be more effective.

Peter Leeson is an old friend of our association and Cluj. He has a 40 year long career in software development and is currently a visiting scientist la Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA). He is also an internationally recognised speaker, consultant and process appraiser. Presently, he is not only a certified CMMI lead appraiser, but also does quality assurance and development work in improving and rewriting the various courses of the CMMI Institute.

Peter’s name is already familiar for those of us who attended his presentations at ITCamp 2013 & 2014 (and soon 2015) and RABS Guest Sessions in 2012 & 2013 in Cluj. This time, we dedicate this session to Managers, Architects, Team Leads and all interested in what Risk Management is about.

Time & date: May 25th, 2015; 17:30-21:00

Place: Hotel City Plaza, Sindicatelor 9-11, Cluj-Napoca

Details and registration

IT Camp turns 5!

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In less than one week, IT Camp’s 5th edition will start in our hometown, Cluj-Napoca. Learning from year to year, IT Camp has grown to be the most important independently organised conference for IT Pros and Developers passionate about Microsoft technologies. This year, there’s a dedicated track for business people and decision makers. In short: 2 days, 42 sessions, 35 speakers.

So, check out the agenda: and if you find it relevant for you, register here: (drop us an e-mail and we’ll tell you how to get a 20% discount). It’s the best way to learn, meet people and help the organisers continue.

DevTalks, evenimentul dedicat profesionistilor IT, se extinde la nivel national! 850 de profesionisti IT se intalnesc la Bucuresti si Cluj-Napoca.

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DevTalks este un eveniment dedicat developerilor si specialistilor IT din Romania, celor care sunt interesati de evolutia tehnologica din zonele Web, Cloud Computing si Big Data.

Anul acesta evenimentul se extinde la nivel national, fiind prezent in Cluj-Napoca (13 mai) si Bucuresti (11 iunie). Cele 2 editii vor reuni 850 de profesionisti IT, specialisti BI/Big Data, IoT, Mobile & Web developeri, pasionati de domeniul IT care vor participa la sesiuni in cadrul carora vor fi dezbatute ultimele noutati, tendinte si provocari din domeniul tehnologiei.

DevTalks este un eveniment orientat catre dezvoltarea profesionistilor si a celor pasionati de domeniul IT, o conferinta cu si despre developeri ce cuprinde o serie de sesiuni axate pe notiuni concrete din industria IT. Dupa succesul inregistrat in 2014, evenimentul se extinde la nivel national, fiind prezent prin 2 editii:
– Cluj-Napoca, 13 mai – Grand Hotel Italia
– Bucuresti, 11 iunie – Romexpo, C1

Companiile care vor sa participe la eveniment se pot inscrie contactandu-ne la adresa

In cadrul evenimentelor DevTalks din acest an, participantii vor avea parte de o experienta unica, sesiuni si discutii informale despre noile tendinte si solutii IT, situatii practice si cazuri concrete. Punctele de interes in cadrul editiilor DevTalks din acest an sunt:

4 scene diferite, denumite in functie de temele abordate: The Future Web, Mobile & IoT, Could Computing si BI/Big Data;

15 speakeri internationali din diferite colturi ale lumii: Anglia, Belgia, Germania, Austria, Olanda, Elvetia, Cehia si Rusia.

850 de dezvoltatori si profesionisti IT, pasionati de tehnologie si dezvoltare profesionala;

14 ore de continut tehnic si discutii de tip panel;

Agenda evenimentelor DevTalks 2015 este structurata in functie de cele patru scene paralele, in cadrul carora vor fi abordate topici precum:

Scena: The Future Web – vor fi abordate subiecte care vor raspunde provocarilor lansate de aparitia noilor tehnologii si procese. Cateva exemple: Beyond HTTP, Breaking Free of The Web, A Glimpse into Disruptive Web Development Education, Next gen HTML5 and JS;

Scena: Mobile & IoT – implementarea de solutii pentru telefoanele mobile ramane o prioritate pentru profesionistii IT, iar Internet of Things (IoT – interactiunile dintre dispozitive inteligente unice interconectate prin infrastructura internet actuala) devine un subiect din ce in ce mai popular. Cateva exemple de subiecte care vor fi abordate in cadrul acestei scene sunt: Changing existing UI models, The rise of the IoT

Scena: Could Computing – vor fi abordate teme care vor accentua potentialul, avantajele, flexibilitatea si capacitatea de inovatie, iar cateva dintre subiectele abordate sunt: Cloud client architecture, Creating a Faster, More Secure Cloud;

Scena: BI/Big Data – dezbaterile pe aceasta tema vor prezenta tehnologiile, metodele, implicatiile si potentialul volumului mare de date. Cateva dintre subiectele abordate sunt: Quality Assurance for the Age of Big Data, The impact of Hadoop ecosystem

“Evenimentul DevTalks este organizat in asa fel incat toti speakerii si participantii pot impartasi cu adevarat din experienta lor. Subiectele abordate in carul celor cele 4 sesiuni sunt concentrate in jurul unor aspecte de interes pentru pasionatii de dezvoltare IT. In plus, interactiunea si sesiunile de networking sunt cu adevarat valoroase pentru cei prezenti” – Andre Liechti, CTO & senior consultant at SysCo systèmes de communication sa.

“Credem in importanta unui proiect de dezvoltare a comunitatii IT si promovare a profesionistilor si domeniului IT dincolo de granitele Romaniei, iar DevTalks este un astfel de eveniment. Proiectul le ofera dezvoltatorilor, profesionistilor IT si arhiectilor de solutii software ocazia sa obtina o perspectiva noua asupra zonelor de interes pentru ei, tehnicilor si instrumentelor adaptate la evolutia tehnologica. Mai multe detalii despre modalitatea de inscriere si agenda pot fi accesate pe sau la sectiunea dedicata proiectului pe ” – Andreea Balaci, Project Manager, DevTalks.

Evenimentul este realizat cu sprijinul partenerilor: IBM, Accenture, Endava, Luxoft Romania, Deutsche Bank Technology Centre si Brainspotting. Evenimentul se bucura de sustinerea IMWorld si si a peste 15 comunitati de developeri din Romania.

In calitate de partener al evenimentului, ofera 100 de invitatii gratuite la DevTalks.  Cei care vor sa participe se pot inscrie pe, la sectiunea dedicata proiectului pana pe 17 aprilie.

Catalyst Solutions este o companie de consultanta in domeniul resurselor umane, specializata in dezvoltarea de solutii de recrutare si employer branding. Avand o experienta de 8 ani, Catalyst Solutions adauga valoare clientilor si candidatiilor cu fiecare dintre proiectele sale: Angajatori de TOP (cel mai mare targ de cariera din Romania organizat bianual in Bucuresti, Timisoara si Iasi), – singurul portal de cariera dedicat exclusiv candidatilor cu studii superioare, Top Talents Romania (proiect ce identifica in fiecare an cei mai valorosi 300 de tineri absolventi la nivel national), Career Innovation Week (identifica tineri cu rezultate remarcabile in domeniile financiar, vanzari, marketing, IT&C, cercetare si inginerie), Consulting Days (cuprinde o serie de conferinte dedicate celor interesati de audit, taxe, contabilitate, legal si IT&C), Ghidul Angajatorilor (publicatie de orientare in cariera adresata studentiilor si masteranziilor din domeniul economic si tehnic distribuita in 15 centre universitare), DevTalks (proiectul reuneste 850 de developeri & profesionisti IT pasionati de zonele web, online, cloud computing si big data) Targul Virtual pentru Absolventi si Angajatori de TOP Virtual.

Guest Session – The Essence of DevOps with Richard Campbell

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October 17th, you are invited to a new RABS Guest Session!

Relevant for everybody working in software development from kickoff to delivery.

Extremely relevant, if you have ever experienced the real “tension” of working together.

DevOps is about making software better – by bringing everyone involved in software closer together, including (but not limited to): domain experts, architects, developers, designers, testers, security and operations. This session takes you through the DevOps culture, focusing on people, process and tools (in that order).

You’ll learn how to get the conversation started between the teams, how to bring the teams closer together, and how to ultimately become one team (we’re all in this together)! Understanding DevOps is about focusing on what’s important: building and delivering the best software you can.

Richard Campbell has been involved with microcomputers and software since 1977. His career has spanned the industry both on the hardware and software sides, from manufacturing to sales, service, game development, line-of-business software and large scale systems. Today Richard is on the board of directors for Telerik, a leading vendor of development, team productivity, automated testing tools, UI components and content management solutions in the Microsoft space.

He’s a partner in PWOP Productions, creating a variety of multimedia programs including ‘.NET Rocks!, the Internet Audio Talk Show for .NET Developers‘, a podcast produced twice a week for more than 250,000 listeners in 150 countries. In addition he’s the host of ‘RunAs Radio‘, a podcast for the IT Professional using Microsoft technologies.

In the fall of 2011, he helped launch a third podcast called ‘The Tablet Show‘, focused on the emerging tablet and mobile market. Richard is also a Microsoft Regional Director, MVP and speaks at conferences around the world.

Richard is at his second visit in Cluj, this year, and we challenge you to help us show him that we are a community worth revisiting!

Time & date: October 17th 2013; 18:00-20:30

Place: Hotel City Plaza (Ballroom Conference room)

Fee: 50 RON (25RON for RABS members)

Further details and registration


Guest Session – Intelligent Evolution – Part 2: Darwinian Management, with Peter Leeson

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This autumn starts at RABS with Peter Leeson.

On September 24th, we invite you to a public talk and Q&A session titled: “Intelligent Evolution – Part 2: Darwinian Management”.

Title: Intelligent Evolution – Part 2: Darwinian Management

Abstract: Within an organization, the concept of revolution rarely works. The idea of throwing out everything that was done previously and replacing it with some new management theory or work practice does not necessarily lead to the expected results. Instead, it leads to demotivation of the skilled staff and the rapid departure of the most skilled, experienced and valuable staff members.

Progress within an organization needs to be based on the concept of improvement rather than innovation whenever possible, taking the good things, the experience of the successful people, who have been doing their work successfully for many years and using that as a seed for growing the new practices and work environment.

Peter Leeson is an old friend of our association and we are honoured by his openness in response to our invitation to dialogue on the topics above. He has a 40 year long career in software development and is currently a visiting scientist la Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA). He is also an internationally recognised speaker, consultant and process appraiser. Presently, he is not only a certified CMMI lead appraiser, but also does quality assurance and development work in improving and rewriting the various courses of the CMMI Institute.

Peter’s name is already familiar for those of us who attended his presentation at ITCamp 2013 and RABS Guest Session in 2012 in Cluj. He promises to deliver his newest thoughts in the same engaging manner we are used to see.

Time & date: September 24th, 2013; 17:30-21:00

Place: Hotel City Plaza, Sindicatelor 9-11, Cluj-Napoca

Details and registration

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