Workshop 2013-07 – Hybrid Enterprise

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We’d like to invite you to a new RABS Workshop.
Following up Levente Veres’ session from last year: “EAI: Myths and reality”, you’ll have the opportunity this time to hear and learn about the challenges of a Modern Enterprise. Public and Private clouds, APIs, integration platforms, security, management & control, all the ingredients that end up in what we call: Hybrid Enterprise.
Lorand, our speaker, shares his experience and insights, most relevantly for (in translation, discussions will be relevant (and enjoyable) to): Senior Software Developers, Software Architects, Solution Architects and Integration Specialists with focus or passion for Software Architecture and the Integration trends.

Title: Hybrid Enterprise
Presenter: Lorand Gabos-Szoverdi, Solution Architect
Date & time: August 1st, 2013; starting 5:30PM
Location: Cluj CoWork, Emil Isac 23, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Details and Registration

Workshop 2013-04 – Function Point Analysis

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After a long winter break, as soon as the sun started to shine again, we’re happy to invite you to learn about a new topic (for RABS): Function Point Analysis.

Ionel Mihali, a long time user of this methodology is happy to share his experience and guide you into the basics of FPA by example.

So, join us for a presentation and a hands-on lab to learn a method for measuring the size of your project.

Title: Function Point Analysis
Presenter: Ionel Mihali, QA Officer
Date & time: April 25th, 2013; 5:30PM
Location: Cluj CoWork, Emil Isac 23, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Details and Registration

Visual Studio 2012 Launch

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Is Visual Studio your primary IDE or Test tool?

Then the new Visual Studio 2012 will interest you. Instead of watching the launch at home, alone, join the free event organized by CODECAMP, RONUA and RABS to see the launch live and discuss it with your friends and peers.

The event is sponsored by Microsoft Romania and hosted by ISDC.

Date & Time: September 12th, 2012, starting at 18:30PM
Location: ISDC Building in FLoresti (Polus)

Details and registration:

See you there!

Newsflash – August 13th, 2012

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As we are growing and have more and more things to share, e-mail just won’t make it. Starting today, we’ll try a new way to update you on what’s new. This will be our News section on the site. We’ll still ping you via e-mail just to make sure you won’t miss anything, but the main content will be here.

As of today, August 13th, 2012, we have the following to share:

On November 19, 2012 we’ll start our one-week “The Architect’s Master Class” with Richard Campbell. This is a unique opportunity to learn about the Architect’s role in our dynamic software development industry from leading experts. Read more:

On August 30th, 2012 we’ll have our third workshop this year. The topic is Enterprise Application Integration and will be presented by Levente Veres, Design Lead. Read more:

We recently had a great Expert Session with Peter Leeson called “Can Process Make You Happy?”. For the first time, we made the live recording available as a screen cast on Vimeo. Slides are available as well, both on Slideshare and Scribd (printable). Pictures are available on our Facebook page.

We also released the slides of our June Workshop on Architectures for Enterprise Mobile Applications, presented by Cristian Retegan.

As always, your feedback, suggestions and ideas for future meetings are welcome through our Contact means.

Workshop 2012-08 – EAI: Myths and reality

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We’d like to invite you to a new RABS Workshop.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn about Enterprise Application Integration and discuss about: Concepts, Problems, Myths, Reality, Tools & Techniques.
Levente Veres, our speaker, shares his experience and insights, most relevantly for (in translation, discussions will be relevant (and enjoyable) to): Senior Software Developers, Software Architects, Solution Architects and Integration Specialists with focus or passion for Software Architecture and the Integration trends.

Title: EAI: Myths and reality
Presenter: Levente Veres, Design Lead
Date & time: August 30th, 2012; 5:30PM
Location: Cluj Cowork, Emil Isac 23, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Interested? Reserve your seat, here!

Guest Session – Can Process Make You Happy?

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We are extremely happy to announce the presence of an international expert among us.

Peter Leeson is an international process improvement and management consultant with global experience. He is a visiting scientist with the Carnegie Mellon University, a CMMI certified lead appraiser and instructor. He visited Romania and Cluj several times in the recent years and knows our culture and characteristics of local software companies.
We’ll be able to tap into his vast knowledge on improvement, quality and processes.
He is open to discuss based on our questions, so please bring your deepest troubles related to work practices, quality assurance, review or any other software development topics (which are not about coding).

Date & time: August 2nd, 2012
Location: Hotel City Plaza, Cluj-Napoca

Convinced? Reserve your seat, here!

[Update: 2012-08-13]
Screencast (recorded live) Printable slides

Workshop 12-06 – Architectures for Enterprise Mobile Applications

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We’d like to invite you to a new RABS Workshop.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn about architectures for enterprise mobile apps.
Cristian Retegan, our speaker, shares his experience and insights, most relevantly for (in translation, discussions will be relevant (and enjoyable) to): Mobile Developers, Senior Software Developers, Software Architects and Solution Architects with focus or passion for Software Architecture and the Mobile trends.

Title: Architectures for Enterprise Mobile Applications
Presenter: Cristian Retegan, Solution Architect
Moderator: TBD
Date & time: June 28th, 2012; 5:30PM
Location: City Plaza Hotel, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Interested? Reserve your seat, here!

[Update: 2012-08-13]

Workshop 12-05 – Crosscutting Architectural Concerns

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We’d like to invite you to a new RABS Workshop.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn about crosscutting architectural concerns.
Attila Antal, our speaker, shares his experience and insights, most relevantly for (in translation, discussions will be relevant (and enjoyable) to): Senior Software Developers, Software Architects and Solution Architects with focus or passion for Software Architecture.

Title: Crosscutting Architectural Concerns
Presenter: Attila Antal, Software Architect
Moderator: Lóránd Gábos-Szövérdi, Solutions Architect
Date & time: May 31st, 2012; 5:30PM
Location: City Plaza Hotel, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

In order to reserve your seat, please confirm your participation online here.

[Update: 2012-06-11]

RABS – Workshop “Data Warehouse using Data Vault Architecture”, 9 iunie

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Comunicat de presă
26 Mai 2011

RABS – Workshop “Data Warehouse using Data Vault Architecture”, 9 iunie

RABS (Romanian Association for Better Software) organizeaza in data de 9 iunie, incepand cu ora 18.00, la sediul ISDC, un al doilea workshop dedicat membrilor comunitatii RABS si totodata, tuturor celor interesati de teme precum “Data Warehouse using Data Vault Architecture”, tendinte in BI si platforme pentru BI.

Organizatorii ofera participantilor oportunitatea de a invata direct din experienta invitatului principal – Ioan Suciu, Arhitect de Solutii Software in cadrul ISDC, companie romano-olandeza specializata in servicii IT in regim nearshore pentru segmente de piata cum ar fi cel financiar si medical olandez. In traditia evenimentelor RABS, acest eveniment al comunitatii arhitectilor din IT-ul romanesc ofera si posibilitatea unui schimb de experienta in timp real intre toti participantii. Evenimentul este dedicat in special programatorilor seniori, arhitectilor de software si arhitectilor de solutii software cu focus si pasiune pentru solutii de tip BI si procesare de date.

Pentru mai multe informatii si inscrieri, consultati website-ul RABS:

RABS (Romanian Association for Better Software) este o organizație non-profit, născută din inițiativa unui grup de arhitecți software clujeni pentru creșterea calității produselor software la nivel de industrie, așa încât să crească nivelul de competitivitate al dezvoltatorilor români în competiția internațională. Modul în care Asociația își propune să atingă acest scop, este activarea comunității de IT prin evenimente de top, cu invitați de calibru internațional, dar și prin workshop-uri dedicate exclusiv membrilor, care să deschidă comunicarea la nivel de breaslă.

Contact: Sergiu Damian

RABS June Workshop – Data Warehouse using Data Vault Architecture

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We’d like to invite you to the second RABS Workshop for 2011.

For this one, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about designing and building Data Warehouses using the Data Vault Architecture, trends in BI and Platforms for BI.
Ioan Suciu, our key speaker, shares his experience and insights, most relevantly with (in translation, discussions will be relevant (and enjoyable) to): Senior Software Developers, Software Architects and Solution Architects with focus or passion for BI or Data processing.

Title: Data Warehouse using Data Vault Architecture
Presenter: Ioan Suciu, ISDC, RABS
Date & time: June 9th, 2011; 6PM
Location: ISDC Building, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Please confirm your participation online here.

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